Globalization has essentially turn into a fiscal term but its impact is not restricted only to case study solution economy of case study answer countries, case examine solution term globalization really refers to each and every element of real looking cultural, social, mental and naturally, political. It is true that case examine answer impact of globalization is purely seen in politics and case examine answer financial system of countries, but its outcome on case look at solution frame of mind and culture is substantive regularly in case examine answer way individuals think and react. It’s like case examine solution Iceberg idea by which what we do and say are at case look at answer tip and what we think and believe is at case study answer base. It also applies here where americans don’t modification abruptly, but may be after a decade case examine answer modification starts appearing. Globalization is not a new phenomena, case look at solution seeds were sown long back when case study answer Dutch East India Company and case look at solution British East India Company started trading with India. In historical past, there were trade relations between various nations like Arab and Egypt, and now in modern times, that has translated into Globalization or Free Trade. It’s cognition. The rat thinks, “I don’t want to run this maze at the moment. ” case study solution rat has no self focus so it will possibly’t inform you why but we do. Back in case look at solution 70s and 80s perhaps later case look at solution feeling was case look at answer rat was making a call. This proves a connection between stimulus and reaction. But that’s not true.